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Mission Trip Fall 2016

Israel and Serbia
This fall, Chip and Julie visited our partners in Israel (Ken and Joan) and worked with our teams in Serbia on some exciting projects: a burnout retreat for ministry couples, a family camp for people with disabilities, and initial steps to open a retreat center for pastors and missionaries in southeastern Serbia.

Burnout Retreat
There's nothing quiet like ministry to bring you to the end of yourself. October 20-22, we gathered a dozen ministry couples serving in Serbia for a weekend retreat to talk about burnout in ministry and focus on a lifestyle characterized by intimacy with Jesus and dependence on his sovereignty.

Sabbath Rest Center
Working with Branko and the team in Zajecar, we are purchasing land adjacent to Camp Timok to build a retreat center for pastors and missionaries who need a quiet place to "come way and rest" to focus on their own personal pursuit of Jesus.

Family Disability Camp
Once again we teamed up with Greg and Jelena Sivulka for another family camp specifically for those who have a family member with disabilities. This year the camp was specifically for believers, a more intimate group, focused more intentionally on what God is teaching us through our inabilities and weaknesses. November 17-20.

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