Welcome to Life in Jesus.church
We are just a group of imperfect people who have discovered their greatest purpose in life by following Jesus. We do our best to be centered on God’s grace, contemporary in our style and authentic in our relationships. We gather every week to celebrate our friendship with God and talk about the Bible, the message He sent to all of us.
Dennis Kavanaugh
Sunday Worship
10:00 am
901 Waterfall Way, #205
Richardson, TX 75080
Sunday Worship: September 15, 2024
We will continue to meet online using the Zoom meetings service for the time being. If you've not used it before or need help getting set up, visit this page. We'll start at 10:15, but you can join early at 10a to test everything out or just chat a bit.
Sunday Register Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Alternatively, you can join by phone. Call 346-248-7799 and enter Meeting ID: 815 6009 4167#
Online Giving Updated
We're now set up to receive tithes and offerings online with our new payments processor, Servant Keeper, LLC! Just visit our "Giving" page from the main menu to get started.
Current Series
Who is God and why is He worthy?
Click Here
to listen online, download audio (MP3) or notes (PDF), to find
previous series or other messages.
News and updates
Serbia? Why Serbia? Find out more about our church's ministry focus.
The Pursuit
What is it all about?
Jesus pursues us and we pursue Him! Would you like to know more?